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Fringe & Epaulette Fashion Showcase 2016

I had the honor of being invited to participate in The Set NYC’s NYC Street Art show on February 24th: a charity event that included a fashion show, art exhibit, performances and dancing. A portion of the proceeds went towards ending homelessness in New York City. This was my first fashion show for Fringe & Epaulette- I wasn’t planning on having one until after I debuted the new line in May.  I was really happy with the result considering it was a last minute effort! I’ve never seen more than two people at a time wearing my designs and seeing not just two, but 10 models dancing around the venue looking awesome was so rewarding. I realized how happy watching people dance in sequin fabric makes me 😛 ALL THE SPARKLE!

I chose to forego a typical runway show format and had the models each dance on stage for a minute or two. Not only did the models have a ton of fun, but it allowed the designs to be displayed better since they’re intended to be worn while dancing. By the end of the night, the showcase had turned into a dance party and everyone was having a great time. Seeing how beautiful the models looked made me so motivated to create new designs for this year’s festival season! All the pin pricks and late nights spent sewing will be worth it 🙂





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